Roy Bunales

Roy Bunales

Roy Bunales  Biography

Maturity Sound Level Middle Age Male, Senior Male. A clear, full, deep, melodious, well-projected male bass baritone voice. Interpretation is conversational, one-on-one, involved, sincere, warm, friendly, and enthusiastic. Pronunciation is crisp, clear, and accurate. Reading is smooth, accurate, and confident, with a conversational flow
Time Zone  Central
Hours and Days Available After 5PM Central Time MondayFriday & After 12PM Central Saturday
Spot turn around time  8 hours
Spots most comfortable voicing  Well trained in voice acting. Teach voice classes. Enjoy all types of  ads, from high energy to smooth and sexy
Accents  Southern, old prospector, will try most anything. Trained to have no  discernible accent. Have done audio books, national ads, etc…
Radio Station or  Studio  WRJW
Country  U.S.A.
State / Province  Mississippi
City  Picayune
Phone  601-798-4835


Travis Allred